Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Week of Mateship

Wow! What a week! US Vice President, Dick Cheney, came and went. He managed to extract some mileage from John Willimason - true blue is 'standing by your mates'. Well 70% of Australians don't think it's still OK to stand with John Howard and George Bush in Iraq. If only Cheney could see behind the trees and catch a glimpse of the forest.
And what about the gift to Rudd of a staged British withdrawal from Iraq? This just hours after Rudd was being lampooned by Howard's cronies that this was sky falling in stuff. Tony Abbot was the best. He wailed that a staged withdrawal was a staged surrender. When Blair made his announcement, they ran for cover saying the British were relocating, scaling back, adjusting priorities. JESUS!! they think we are dumb! But then journalists like Greg Sheridan and Paul Kelly of The Australian are always garnishing their lightly disguised pro Bush/Howard articles with preumptions that the public at large don't have the insights and real understanding that they have. They looked more journalistically arrogant than usual as they struggled with Defence Minister Nelson's sublime declaration that there could be no victory in Iraq. Nelson even compared the struggle in Iraq to the Battle of Kokoda. Of course this is all manna from heaven for Rudd.

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