Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mateship overdone

John Howard's support for his mate George W. Bush really is over the top. In the past week he has disparaged a presidential candidate (Obama) and the whole US Democrat party in an effort to bolster the failing stocks of George and himself over their disaster in Iraq.

And the rhetoric from Howard and his cronies (like Brendan Nelson) reaches new heights. If America pulls out of Iraq the sky will fall in etc. etc. Well, hello!! the yanks and we were defeated in Vietnam and the domino effect in SE Asia that we were told would follow a communist victory just never happened. We withdrew in defeat from Gallipoli and managed to salvage a national identity out of that experience! These pricks that keep feeding young soldiers into the bottomless pit of Iraq would have been leading the pack in the pro conscription debate in Australia in World War One. It was stubborness like theirs that fed the human fodder to the cannons on the Western front and in many conflicts before and since. Sure it's a mess in Iraq but in many ways it is worse than what it was and is it any worse than a dozen conflicts in Africa that don't even appear on the West's radar because oil and Israel are not involved????

Maybe, just maybe, Howard, like Bush, has picked a loser here because the average Aussie appears to be fed up with the distorted and blind mateship between Howard and Bush. If Rudd remains steady Howard will be ruddy well finished.

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