Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Fair Go for Justice on Palm Island?

In the latest step towards justice for Palm Islanders and Australia generally, an Australia Day present has been delivered. The Street Review has been completed and: 'Attorney-General Kerry Shine said Sir Laurence had found enough evidence to charge the officer with manslaughter - and to possibly warrant a conviction.
"Sir Laurence has advised me that he believes sufficient admissible evidence exists to support the institution of criminal proceedings against Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley for manslaughter of Mulrunji," Mr Shine said.
"Furthermore, Sir Laurence believes there is a reasonable prospect of a conviction."'

In my first blog I stated 'Blind Freddy knows what happened in the police cell on Palm Island'. Blind Freddy is a colloquialism for the obvious (sometimes referred to as the 'bleedin obvious'.)

After a coronial review, a DPP review and now an independent review the wheels of justice are now turning in the right direction. Richard Flanagan reminds us in The Unknown Terrorist of the Henry V line: 'Wisdom cries out in the streets, yet no man regards it'.

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