Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Fair Go for David Hicks?

Our Prime Minister has demanded of the Americans that Hicks be charged by mid-February. This belated call comes, of course, because polls are showing that the majority of Australians now think the government has really stuffed up on this one. For five years Hicks has languished in Guantanamo Bay. Now the Yanks are saying that ‘evidence’ gained by torture will be admissible in court! What a fiasco. Even if Hicks is a deadshit who got caught out I think he deserves better than he’s got for the past five years. It will be an interesting test of the Bush-Howard friendship to see if this demand is met. It’s all to do with our election year so Bush might just come to the party. Will Howard be able to turn the Hicks thing into a Tampa or a 9/11 electoral winner? Who knows, but those spin merchants who scan every issue for the PM to make mileage out of will be considering all angles.

1 comment:

Steveo said...

Poor Dave Hicks - he'll be mad as hell when / if he finally gets out of there & home alive. But, he's just one of those mistreated souls there. Who are all the other prisoners we dont know about, who have no-one following their plights? Not to even overlook the unknown many people who go through "rendition" - torture & interrogation on airplanes to secret bases, and in the old Abu Grabe & bases in Iraq.
Saddam was the only despot to be tried & hanged for his crimes against humans. Amongst all the others, Pinochet got away, Pol Pot & Idi Amin got away & George Bush was the only one to set up a trial and kill his 'opponent' - to promote his own "righteousness".
And of course Donny Rumsfeld got a golden handshake & kisses from George & Johnny & Tony. The world leadership is full of mad men, so David Hicks will be mad enough to fit right in again.. I'm going nuts too!! Enjoying your blogs - keep shafting it up 'em, Pete.. sc